Case Study Moorea Reef Fish Fishery Author: Lily Zhao Abstract This case study examines the resilience of Moorea nearshore coral reef fisheries to increased intensity of cyclones, increased frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves in the context of increasing...
Case Study Madang Reef Fish Fishery (Papua New Guinea) Author: Jacqueline Lau Abstract This case study demonstrates how adaptive customary management confers resilience to key habitats, stock and social benefits in the face of fishing pressure and (hypothetically)...
Case Study Kiribati Giant Clam Fishery Author: Jacob Eurich Abstract The Kiribati giant clam multi-species subsistence fishery in the Gilbert Islands shows resilience in the ecological and socio-economic dimensions to marine heatwaves and ocean acidification where...
Case Study Juan Fernandez Islands Demersal Fisheries (Chile) Authors: Kristin Kleisner, Erica Cunningham, Kendra Karr, Julio Chamorro, and Layla Osman System Overview The Juan Fernandez Islands (JFI) are located off the coast of central Chile between 32.81°S and...
Case Study Iceland Groundfish Fisheries Author: Julia Mason Abstract Iceland’s Individual Transferrable Quota (ITQ) commercial fisheries demonstrate how flexible and responsive management, centralized organization that promotes learning, ample assets, and resilience...
Case Study United States Bering Sea Groundfish Fisheries Authors: Anne Hollowed and Stephen Kasperski Groundfish fisheries in the eastern Bering Sea are federally managed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, one of eight regional councils created by the...