Decision support for fishery managers, stakeholders, and communities seeking to increase resilience to climate change
Ocean fisheries provide income, jobs, and nutrition for millions of people around the world, but impacts of climate change are altering the productivity and distribution of fish stocks and the benefits that people receive from fisheries.
As they experience greater climate-related impacts and confront unknowns about future conditions, people involved in fisheries recognize the need to increase resilience of fishery systems.

RESILIENCE is the capacity to prepare for, resist, cope with, recover from, or adapt to a given stressor to ensure the sustainability of marine ecosystems, fishery resources, and human benefits.
The Climate-Resilient Fisheries Planning Tool is designed to be used by fishery participants, community leaders, managers, NGO partners, scientists and others seeking to enhance the resilience of marine fisheries to climate change.
The tool was developed by a Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) working group on Climate-Resilient Fisheries. It integrates scientific research, case studies, and expert knowledge to guide users through a six-step process that will provide key elements needed to develop a fishery climate-resilience plan.